Monday, October 29, 2007

Holland to Sweden

Sorry this has taken so long. In Holland, we never seemed to have a moment to spare. I've been meaning to update this thing for more than a few days now. Before you read any further you may want to know that I slipped, fell and slammed our camera down on a rock and can therefore not produce pictures for you in this particular posting. However, because Cannon makes a particularly stout camera it still takes pictures, despite the pummeling I gave just doesn't connect to the computer anymore. The way around this is going to have to be a card reader, which I will purchase as soon as possible. Pictures next post but this one will just be for the readers.
Bear with me if I seem to go on a bit; this blog has served to be more of a travel journal for me than my actual paper journal, so it may get a bit boring...I just like details.
Where do i start? Where I left off, I suppose... Northern Ireland, was fantastic. When I wrote you last we were just about to head off for the northern coast to stay in a little cottage owned by some friends of Bryan and Bre Chud. We had a fantastic couple of nights there, relaxing, watching footy down the pubs and even got to go out for dinner at a fantastic restaurant that served some of the best penne pasta if ever had. Our anniversary night on the 19th was a bit anti-climactic, however. We started off with good intentions, walking down to a nice restaurant in downtown Dungannon but ended up at a chippy, splitting some (though very tasty) cod and chips. We had a nice chat with the owner, who happened to be an avid United fan. He scoffed at my love for Liverpool and I his adoration for one of my favorite arch nemesis', Manchester United Football Club. We are going to make up for that dinner with something a bit more special in Italy.
I had the chance to go see my buddy from college, Matt Walton, play a game for the Dungannon Swifts, which was a treat. After a couple more nights of some Strongbow and hilarious B-movies (which I purchased at Target for Bryan before heading overseas) Ailsa and I hopped on a plane and flew to Amsterdam. There we caught a train to Arnhem, a middle sized city in Holland where our good friend, Marieke lives. We had a fabulous 4 days there, which included waking up every morning to fresh squeezed orange juice, croissants, very strong coffee(yes!!!), fresh bread and wonderful cheeses. Thank you Marie!! We met some of Marieke's close friends, Spif and Nini, who were a blast. Spif ended up taking me out for a night on the town. First, we stopped by the Dutch version of an English "chippy" and introduced me to some very unhealthy, but amazing, fried food. After the fill-up, we met up with his brother and a few of his mates. Then we all road these Dutch bikes (man, i wish i could show you the pics) to the football stadium, where we caught an Eredivisia premier league match. What an atmosphere that was. I even have some video clips i will try to put on when i get the card reader. We ended that particular evening making home-made beer bread and playing a 5 Euro game of poker. Great lads, all of them...All five of them took their losses very graciously.
After a couple more days there, we caught the first official train on our two month trip: Kobenhavn to Denmark. This was an overnight train that got us into Copenhagen at around 10 am the next day. Copenhagen was beautiful. Mom, we saw so many buildings whose colors I think you would love. Many of them had similar treatments to what you do with Val. Again, wish I could post the pics. After loads of sightseeing and people watching we were able to catch the Liverpool v Arsenal match at a pub downtown. The game was great, though we were lucky to get out of it with a tie (they're looking hot, Dad). One to One was the final score. (again, sorry for all this detail for any who happen to be even reading this) Wasn't able to partake of the local brew, however, as, one it was just lagers like Carlsberg and the like, and two, A PINT OF LAGER COSTS ALMOST 10 DOLLARS! YES, I SAID ONE PINT COSTS BETWEEN 9 AND 10 DOLLARS!!! sickening. We were just in Portland, Maine were we had a pint of Guinness for $2.50!!! We found ourselves in a decent hostel, sleeping with about 10 other travelers in a dorm room. Ailsa said my snoring was extra quality.
After Copenhagen, we caught a four hour train to Gutenberg and then another hour long train to Restenas, where an old friend of mine from YWAM, Rob Darby lives. It's where we are now, actually. It's been lovely to meet Rob's wife and their great little two year old. We aren't actually sure as to what we are doing tomorrow. We may "zip" over to Stockholm or just spend the day in Gutenberg and then another night here in Restenas, as they have been so great as to offer it to us.
The trip has been amazing so far. We are loving all we are getting to see, but really loving it because we are seeing it all together for the fist time. Though I had been to the previous places we have visited so far, this is my first time to Sweden. It's really beautiful and I look forward to seeing more of it with Ailsa in the following week.
I will make up for the pics I didn't put on this time and be sure I have them working for my next posting.
Oh yes, one more thing. I was able to contact my very distant family in Norway and it looks like we'll be visiting them for a day or two whilst in Norway. I tried to contact them when I was living in England in '97 but I think scared them when I called with my harsh American accent and invited myself for Christmas. I was a bit more prudent this time and I think they're going to give me a chance. Grandma, I've heard quite a bit about Kari, but this Viggo fella seams like quite the character...
Love you all,
bye for now

Thursday, October 25, 2007

How the baby grows . . .

So enough about the trivialities of travel and on to more important matters. This is Ailsa taking control of the blog now just long enough to give an update on the wee human in my belly. The baby is now 21 weeks and is really starting to kick. Ty felt a strong kick last night for the first time which was fun. Sometimes I can actually see him kicking so that it looks like there is popcorn slowly popping in my belly. I'm so excited to finally meet the little one and see what he/she looks like!!!!

It's been pretty great travelling with quiet and content little bundle in my tummy. Like a little kangaroo in pouch, no maintenance required . . . except for some better eating on my part, which I am happy to suffer. I guess we better enjoy this low maintenance baby stage now . . . it won't last long. My little kangaroo is now 10 & 1/2 inches long and has fully formed eyebrows now! A perfect little human in miniature. By next week it would even have a chance of surviving outside of the womb . . . but lets pray that it stays just where it is until it is ready to be born!

We are in Holland at the moment visiting with our dear friend Marieke in Arnhem. I woke up to a symphony of church bells this morning, which was a pretty romantic way to open my eyes. It has been a really special trip so far connecting with so many of the people and places that hold such special memories for us . . . taking us back to when we first met 12 years ago now. There is sometimes a sort of melancholy that you feel going back to those sacred places knowing that even in revisiting them, that time in life is gone forever and can never be brought back. There is none of that for me this time. Revisiting those places from the past,that have for so long been stored safely in my heart, with Ty at my side and our child quietly growing inside my tummy, I am overwhelmed with only gratitude for the events of the past which have brought us to this place of perfect contentment in the present. There's simply no room for melancholy. For someone who tends to frequently live in a nostalgia for the past, this is a great place to be. I feel less of an Eeore these days and more of a Pooh Bear. Life seems quite simple, peaceful, and generally sweet as a pot of honey. My brain feels about as simple as Pooh Bear's as well though, which I am less than thrilled about. An unfortunate side effect of pregnancy, I am told. Poor Ty. Less stimulating conversation, less input when it comes to decision making, but then on the other hand there are fewer arguments and less drama in general, so I suppose he's happier for it in the end. :)

Well, that's all for me for now. Ty will soon be updating the blog and will be adding some of our more recent photos!

Friday, October 19, 2007

London and N. Ireland

Hiya all,
just kicking it in the north of the ireland with pals bry, bre chud and matt walton. we had a great time in england. gareth, my littlest brother and i performed an all-nighter in london-town, where we saw the sights in the dark and were jolly the whole time.
With over 9 hours of hanging out to spare we did a lot of people watching
We had a nice jaunt 'round the palace as well. This shot's on the palace steps.
We also went to burger king and had "angry woppers", which sent gareth over the edge with fury. As i said in the last post, it was wonderful to see him at Holmsted. He is really having a great time there and has some great co-students with him. we also had the chance to go to camden market and eat some wonderful food for cheap (a rare thing in london) and go for some nice walkin along the canal.

After saying goodbye to gareth, we moved on to our visit with Ailsa's sister, hilary and her boyfriend, quinten for a few days. we had a wonderful time there. They suprised Ailsa and I for both of our 30th b-days with dinner and theater in downtown london. we had a wonderful meal and afterward attended a play called, "swimming with sharks" starring christian slater. it was very impressive. i think the theater is something i would have to frequent often if lived in a city like london. We were able to meet up with karen and rod, who were on vacation from halifax, which was also sweet. Ailsa and i spent a day browsing and the victoria and albert museum with aurence, ailsa's cousin. after a few hours of art we made our way to a pub that had a 2 for 1 pizza night, plus 2 pound beers (unfortunately not what they weigh but what they cost). we had a nice night there, chatting over 2 pints of tetley's and 8 mini, wonderful pizzas.

the next morning, we took off for london victoria where we caught a bus to london stansted and flew to belfast. we were picked up by bry and bre and arrived just in time to catch england lose to russia in footy and then drive to another pub, where we watched a couple other matches. can i just say that i am so glad to be back in the land of football, where games in wonderful public houses are plentiful. bry and i caught up over a pint of guiness and the girls caught up over a happy meal. we've been here two nights now. last night i followed our old college mate, matt walton to his training with the dungannon swifts, not before shooting around a bit with him first. what fun that was. i haven't gotten over a ball for such a long time and it was nice to hit a couple. matt is doing well in the irish premier league playing with a team that look quite impressive, at least on the training pitch. after his practice, we were off to the pub to watch some traditional irish music and have a pint. i video recorded a song that was sung by a man, acapella. it was done beautifully. i wasn't able to get on the irish drum as those already playing were very good and there was really no room for an amatuer.

so, tonight we look ahead to a nice evenning out for the wifey and i as it is our FOURTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!! CHEERS!!! will will dress up in our finest hiking gear and have a bite to eat somewheres that compliments the budget we must remain within. afterwards, we'll be heading up to the north coast of ireland for two nights, staying in bry and bre's friend's cottage.
tomorrow is the liverpool derby and that will be watched at a wonder pub...LIVE!! for those who don't know, back in '96, '97, '98, watching footy at the pub here in the UK was the event that cultivated my current love for english football and i feel blessed to be back here with the chance to do it again. family, i miss you and i so wish we could be together during times like these. we will have our time.
{for those doing fantasy footy with me, here is my current line up that is definately subject to change (just for fun) : torres (hope he plays), rooney, fabregas, petrov, ronaldo, koumas, dempsey, bale, moekena, corluka, kirkland. GOOD LUCK, ALL!!}

it looks like, with my computer broken, i will only be able to post once a week, but that should work out fine as i am not good at doing little posts often. sorry these are so long for those who enjoy the shorties. of course you probably aren't still with us by this point now, are you?

take care all. much love. i imagine i'll be chatting to you next right before leaving for amsterdam. look forward to seeing you marieke!

ps. ailsa's belly is betting bigger all the time and we felt our first kicks just a week ago. thrilling stuff!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

will do a proper post soon

We flew in to Belfast today. Had a wonderful week in London. I want to write all about it but i want to include pics. unfortunately, the computer i'm on doesn't have any USB ports so i am unable to put pics on this post. i'll write and post pics...hopefully tomorrow.
man, i wish i had my computer back.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Busted computer, first bump along the way

Pics of our last days in canada. here are some more pics of our beautiful nephew and niece:

hey again.
sorry this has taken so long to get out but our computer broke. i've lost a huge posting that i wrote on the plane over to england. also, all our music and photos are stuck inside that blasted thing. stinky. i'll have to do all my postings from internet cafes now. less convenience vs lighter backpack... up in the air after yesterday's hike...
what i wrote about on the plane over was how great of a time we had in canada and how excited we were to be going to england and the home where i lived for almost two years. i also mentioned that we were able to not only spend time with ailsa'a wonderful family, but we saw Jen and Rich and Joel and Annie as well. Very, very nice to see them all.
well, we are in england now. got here yesterday and then slept for 20 hours. i've been pulling quite a few all nighters since starting this little vaca so it was nice to catch up. we got into london heathrow at about 9:30 am and then made our way to see gareth at holmsted right off. we are only able to see him here in england for four nights so it was important to get here as soon as possible. well, we took the train into haywards heath and then we walked to holmsted. turned out the trek was a bit longer than i remember it. so, two hours and a bit later we arrived at holmsted's driveway. the walk was beautiful and well worth the effort. quite nice training for what's to come. the first thing we see when coming into the driveway was the footy pitch and someone mowing the lawn on the big ol' tractor mower. i stopped and stared hard until i was sure and then, when i saw the "alaska grown" sweatshirt i knew it was gareth. we both walked across the pitch to him and were just able to see the expression on his face when he realized who the two backpackers coming towards him were. it was a very cool hug as he wasn't even sure when we were coming to visit him and was pretty suprised.
it so nice to be at holmsted, but it's even nicer to see gareth enjoying himself so much here. ailsa and i did our tour of the place , stopping first at the spot of our first kiss ever and acted out our 23,014th. we went down to our favorite bridge (we call it "our bridge" as many do, i'm sure) but it was collapsed, sadly. the grounds are as beautiful as ever. it was especially nice to see the trees i had a hand in planting all grown up. it has been such a trip to be here with ailsa after all these years. for those of you who don't know, ailsa, my wife, and i met here at holmsted manor in January of 1996. that's almost 12 years ago now! chad, my brother, also met his future wife here when he did his dts. now, it's gareth's turn...for whatever may come his way. gareth has a great group of people on his school here and they all seem to getting along very well. he is doing a discipleship training school with YWAM, which is youth with a mission, a non-denominational, christian missionary school. i don't know all the details, and i don't think he would mind me sharing this, but it looks as if gareth is going to argentina to work at an orphanage or something in December for the outreach phase of the school. i really can't get over seeing my littlest brother here in this place. we got to walk down to "the vic" for a pint tonight but went instead to another pub as it was a bit to "stuffy" in the other (it's not the same as before). a pint costs around 3pounds!!! that's over 6 bucks!!! insane. anyways, us americans are liable to lose our money fast if we don't watch it.
we are hoping to do a bit of a hiking/camping trip together tomorrow, but we'll see. 'would like to catch the england v estonia footy match first.
anyways, don't mean to wander. the computer i'm typing on right now takes about 5 minutes to upload each photo, so i'll only be able to put a few on this post, as it's around 3:30 am and i need to try to adapt to my new time zone somewhat.
we had a great trip over here to england. we stopped in portland, maine for a night and had a "riot". we revisited many of our favorite places of rest during our nearly two year stint in that city. some quick facts: the havanna cheese steak at the "old port tavern" is hands down the best you'll ever eat. Geary's brewery makes the best beer in new england. brian boru is the best pub in north america, save for maybe the george and dragon in freemont. don't buy REI hiking pants as you may get the zipper stuck shut with your wallet and hotel room key inside the pocket. i know this. the leatherman was a fine purchase however and cut that pocket right open. no more zipping action though.
we have confirmed flights to belfast for the 17th and will spend a few days visiting our pals bryan and bre chud just west of there. from there we do some southern irish backpacking and then once we catch a ferry to france our 60 days of train travel begins. i have almost the whole thing planned out, to the minute. as i am sure this will end up resembling not exactly what occurs, it will give us a good idea of when to be where and how we can stay, etc... more of that when the time comes.
i promise to get some more pics on here once i can get on a real computer/faster connection.
blessing to all,
tyson, ailsa and _____________ or Adeline, Oliver, Huxley, Sophia, Bobby, Lamp, Chair, Pantsnow!, Chubby, Jack (S/he is a whole six inches long and weighs 6-8 ounces!!!)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007









Hey there. We took off from Spokane and travelled to Seattle where we visited briefly with Renata and Tim before staying a night with Pavel and Danielle and then a night with Ray, Jessica, Julia and Noel. We had a great time. It was great to see all the improvements Pav and Danielle have made to there house in Bellevue. Great signiture bathrooms. Ray and Jessica's girls have boomed in size and character and we had a great time catching up.
In Spokane, I had the chance to go out for a boys night with Ray a good buddy of his, Nick and an old buddy from highschool, Matt Monigold. We haven't seen Matt for about 14 years or so and entertained ourselves with many, quite embarrassing, stories from the mid-teens.
After a couple nights in Seattle, we flew to Boston and caught a bus up to Canada (New Brunswick) to visit with the Maclean household. We are there currently and are loving it. There is a possibility that we are eating too much, which is taking away from the glory of Ailsa's belly, please see pic.

We said goodbye to our wonderful weiner, Spencer the permapup (wardrobe provided by HillyMaclean's Fashion for weiners). We Spent the day in Boston before catching our bus, going to Quincey Market for breakfast and coffee. A wonderful morning. I wrote a giant post that morning and lost it all to the wireless internet monster.
We are travelling light for this trip, which took some strategic sorting. We want to be able to go on foot to many places and store our stuff in lockers in many of the major cities, so a pack each was the maximum load. We each have a few t-shirts, a couple pairs of hiking pants, a good base layer, the appropriate socks, undergarments and hygiene equipment. One sweet down sleeping bag each, coupled with a thermarest each. I am also stuffing a computer and the tent in my bag, putting it over the desirable weight limit but I need the excercise. Still, we did quite well with the packing:

We are already beginning to enjoy the little places that pop in front of us, such as coffee shops, parks and shops. We are great "browsers" who have to be selective in what we buy with uber-expensive countries like England, Switzerland and the whole of Scandinavia ahead of us. Canada has recently proved to be more expensive than ever with the American dollar deflating in front of us; I don't even want to think about the U.K. Beer is expensive here (and there is not such a grand selection, either).

Our tenants move in tomorrow, starting their 7 month lease. We have learned that moving, be it for only months or forever, is quite the hassle. There's the "trustworthy" tenants to find, who wish to only rent for the winter. There's the money needed for broken appliances, for in case the tenants wish to leave and we must reassume the mortgage (a nightmare), the transferring of all the bills (utilities), long-distance hot-tub maintainance, management of all inquiries for next summer's vacation renting, planning the itinerary for this trip, money for tickets and for three months of ballihoo. We also have to decide where we are having the baby (or the wifey does). Well, it's almost all taken care of. However, I still need some idea of what our itinerary will look like. Suggestions are welcome. Time for a movie. This one's called, "The Invisible".
I'll post this and then add some pics from our stay here, so far.
Bye for now

Monday, October 01, 2007

लोस्त बिग lost a big post फ्रेअकिन सुक्क्स

We are in Canada land and have been for 24 hours. I wrote a beautiful post at Quincey Market in Boston on their wireless there and lost it all. What pics! Words! Sentences!
It's all gone.
I am going to write again tomorrow to make up for it, plus I'll have more pics and stuff.