Sunday, September 23, 2007

We say "cya" for a while

We left Homer about a week ago, arriving on Ailsa's 30th birthday (SHE'S GETTING MORE AWESOME BY THE YEAR!) and we are now off for some silly adventures. We are currently in Spokompton, WA visiting my parents, have been for a week and will be for a few more days. We will then drive to Seattle where we will catch a flight to Boston, visit our old home of Portland, ME, drive up to Fredericton, NB to visit with Ailsa's lovely fam and then come back to Boston so that we can catch an aeroplane to London.

That's all we have confirmed as of now so I won't speak of all my outlandish plans for this trip. We will be off N. America for exactly three months, coming home on January 10 for some good old fashion nesting. The baby is due March 7th.

We've really just been partying with the folks and little brother since being here. The fishing was....well, let's just say it was very nice. Littlest brewthar got the biggest this time. By the way, he just left for Holmsted Manor in England for a 6 month or so DTS. Now, if he manages to find his wife there like Chad and I did, I vote that we have the wedding at Holmsted.

Oh, and for you international buddies, one other confirmed date for us is Holmsted on like October 11-17th or so.

These are some pics of the trip thus far. We are loving it all.

Let us know if we are going to cross your path as we disclose/discover where we are going exactly and we will try and bug you. Until my next blather, cya.


Anonymous said...

Tyson clean your room


Anonymous said...

...hope to see you in Seattle before you fly far away...
call us,

Anonymous said...

its joel. we will be in fredericton for a couple more weeks. if we don;t get together i will cry like a little 12 year old girl. my cell is on facebook.
see you soon
happy late b-day ailsa!

Anonymous said...


Sounds like fun. Have a great time. Just been taking care of 9 month baby daughter Ne'Ann . Check your e-mail because I replied. Have you heard of the band widespread panic . Check em out on itunes . I think you'll like em.

Jeff May Wild and CRAYZAY

Joanie said...

Hey guys. Good to see you're updating this thing. FINALLY! I miss you both. Have a fantastic trip. Love you!

Unknown said... vile nerf herder...I live in Spokane and I didnt see you???????? I am going to shave your armpits with broken glass and pop all your soccer balls.

Home we live in:
Eric & LeeElla
504 S. Haven
Spokane WA. 99202

Church we pastor:
Jacob's Well
3016 E. 5th Ave
Spokane WA 99202