Monday, October 29, 2007

Holland to Sweden

Sorry this has taken so long. In Holland, we never seemed to have a moment to spare. I've been meaning to update this thing for more than a few days now. Before you read any further you may want to know that I slipped, fell and slammed our camera down on a rock and can therefore not produce pictures for you in this particular posting. However, because Cannon makes a particularly stout camera it still takes pictures, despite the pummeling I gave just doesn't connect to the computer anymore. The way around this is going to have to be a card reader, which I will purchase as soon as possible. Pictures next post but this one will just be for the readers.
Bear with me if I seem to go on a bit; this blog has served to be more of a travel journal for me than my actual paper journal, so it may get a bit boring...I just like details.
Where do i start? Where I left off, I suppose... Northern Ireland, was fantastic. When I wrote you last we were just about to head off for the northern coast to stay in a little cottage owned by some friends of Bryan and Bre Chud. We had a fantastic couple of nights there, relaxing, watching footy down the pubs and even got to go out for dinner at a fantastic restaurant that served some of the best penne pasta if ever had. Our anniversary night on the 19th was a bit anti-climactic, however. We started off with good intentions, walking down to a nice restaurant in downtown Dungannon but ended up at a chippy, splitting some (though very tasty) cod and chips. We had a nice chat with the owner, who happened to be an avid United fan. He scoffed at my love for Liverpool and I his adoration for one of my favorite arch nemesis', Manchester United Football Club. We are going to make up for that dinner with something a bit more special in Italy.
I had the chance to go see my buddy from college, Matt Walton, play a game for the Dungannon Swifts, which was a treat. After a couple more nights of some Strongbow and hilarious B-movies (which I purchased at Target for Bryan before heading overseas) Ailsa and I hopped on a plane and flew to Amsterdam. There we caught a train to Arnhem, a middle sized city in Holland where our good friend, Marieke lives. We had a fabulous 4 days there, which included waking up every morning to fresh squeezed orange juice, croissants, very strong coffee(yes!!!), fresh bread and wonderful cheeses. Thank you Marie!! We met some of Marieke's close friends, Spif and Nini, who were a blast. Spif ended up taking me out for a night on the town. First, we stopped by the Dutch version of an English "chippy" and introduced me to some very unhealthy, but amazing, fried food. After the fill-up, we met up with his brother and a few of his mates. Then we all road these Dutch bikes (man, i wish i could show you the pics) to the football stadium, where we caught an Eredivisia premier league match. What an atmosphere that was. I even have some video clips i will try to put on when i get the card reader. We ended that particular evening making home-made beer bread and playing a 5 Euro game of poker. Great lads, all of them...All five of them took their losses very graciously.
After a couple more days there, we caught the first official train on our two month trip: Kobenhavn to Denmark. This was an overnight train that got us into Copenhagen at around 10 am the next day. Copenhagen was beautiful. Mom, we saw so many buildings whose colors I think you would love. Many of them had similar treatments to what you do with Val. Again, wish I could post the pics. After loads of sightseeing and people watching we were able to catch the Liverpool v Arsenal match at a pub downtown. The game was great, though we were lucky to get out of it with a tie (they're looking hot, Dad). One to One was the final score. (again, sorry for all this detail for any who happen to be even reading this) Wasn't able to partake of the local brew, however, as, one it was just lagers like Carlsberg and the like, and two, A PINT OF LAGER COSTS ALMOST 10 DOLLARS! YES, I SAID ONE PINT COSTS BETWEEN 9 AND 10 DOLLARS!!! sickening. We were just in Portland, Maine were we had a pint of Guinness for $2.50!!! We found ourselves in a decent hostel, sleeping with about 10 other travelers in a dorm room. Ailsa said my snoring was extra quality.
After Copenhagen, we caught a four hour train to Gutenberg and then another hour long train to Restenas, where an old friend of mine from YWAM, Rob Darby lives. It's where we are now, actually. It's been lovely to meet Rob's wife and their great little two year old. We aren't actually sure as to what we are doing tomorrow. We may "zip" over to Stockholm or just spend the day in Gutenberg and then another night here in Restenas, as they have been so great as to offer it to us.
The trip has been amazing so far. We are loving all we are getting to see, but really loving it because we are seeing it all together for the fist time. Though I had been to the previous places we have visited so far, this is my first time to Sweden. It's really beautiful and I look forward to seeing more of it with Ailsa in the following week.
I will make up for the pics I didn't put on this time and be sure I have them working for my next posting.
Oh yes, one more thing. I was able to contact my very distant family in Norway and it looks like we'll be visiting them for a day or two whilst in Norway. I tried to contact them when I was living in England in '97 but I think scared them when I called with my harsh American accent and invited myself for Christmas. I was a bit more prudent this time and I think they're going to give me a chance. Grandma, I've heard quite a bit about Kari, but this Viggo fella seams like quite the character...
Love you all,
bye for now

1 comment:

Buck Hall said...

I have a friend in Norway (Ingabet) who I will ask if there is a place to stay(knowing how freakin expensive it is there). I'll get back to you.